Top Investigators on Twitter 2012
- October 25, 2012
- by Dominique DeLisle
- Social Media

There are hundreds of private investigators who are active on Twitter. Last year we gave you 76 Private Investigation Professionals You Should Follow on Twitter. This year we've compiled an alphabetical list of and put together a new badge to bring you the Top Investigators on Twitter for 2012.
Twitter is a great resource for networking, breaking news, sharing information, and marketing your business. This year's list is in alphabetical order by handle and includes handles, names and bios for all featured investigators, and we've also included a list of private investigator associations on Twitter. PInow is not featured on the list below, but if you'd like to follow us you may do so by clicking the button below.
Here are the Top Investigators on Twitter for the year 2012:
@949GoGuardCom | 949GoGuardCOM
Constantia Private Security (PPO#16301, TFF#1388).
@AlliedCentral | Central Legal PI
Private Investigator Process Server #Surveillance #Northamptonshire #Warwickshire #UK.
@AlliedDetective | Jorge Salgado-Reyes
I am part of the Allied Detectives Network with an office in Croydon and Santiago. Also writing a Sci-Fi novel set in a London of the future.
@AnswersPI | Nigel Parsons
Private Detective in London, Surrey, Hampshire and Berkshire.
@ArcherPI | Fred Archer
The Archer Investigative Group, Inc. is a full service investigative and process service firm located in Raleigh, NC.
@AristocratPI | Melissa Jones
Vice President/Co-Founder of Aristocrat Investigations, LLC. I am a Certified Criminal Defense Investigator having worked more than 700 cases.
@ArkInv | Michael West
Professional investigator in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana.
@BDEYE_PI | BDEYE Investigations
BDEYE INVESTIGATIONS provide tailored investigations to meet your unique needs - family law, civil, criminal defence, corporate and surveillance.
@AssetsIntl | Assets International
AI is a licensed PI agency that finds missing heirs and others with money they don't know about.
@bjhPI | BJH-PI
No Available Bio
@boscolegal | Jeramiah Jones
General Manager of Bosco Legal services, Inc. where we specialize in Private Investigations, Process Serving and Document Scanning in Southern California.
@BPISecurity | Eric Konohia
President-BPI GROUP, LLC-Executive Protection, High Threat Protection in Permissive/Non Permissive Environments, Threat Assessments.
@BPS_Security | Michael Boughton
Boughton Protective Services (BPS), a veteran-owned small business, is a global provider of security, investigations and legal support services.
@BritishAgents | British Agents
Britain’s Private Investigators solving cases from around the world - Tell no one where I am.
@CaDetectives | Private Eye & Hunter
We perform countless successful investigative services: Infidelity, Child Custody, Fraud, Missing Persons, Asset Checks, Decoys, BountyHunter and all your investigation needs.
@CanadianPI | J. Ryan Winter
Canadian private investigator, entrepreneur, blackberry addict, single father of 3 and believer in karma with a love of soccer, flying, technology, Lego #YQR.
@catseyepi | Catherine Flowers
Founder of Cats Eye Private Investigations Firm | #law #lawyers #privateinvestigation.
@celebprotect | CPS
Celebrity Protection Services is a sub division of U.S.R. Corporate.
@CentennialInv | Centennial Inv
Atlanta based full-service investigation firm specializing in surveillance and fraud investigations.
@childrescue | Kelly Townsend
Investigator for 20 years, specializing in Criminal Investigations, Cold Cases, Human Sex Trafficking Investigations, Missing Persons, and Fugitive Recovery.
@Citywide_PI | David Oldaker
David Oldaker is a Surveillance Specialist and a trainer to the industry. I operate Citywide Investigations in Melbourne.
@CovertIntell | Covert Intelligence
Private Investigation Firm based in Puerto Rico. We cover the island-wide and the Caribbean Islands.
@cybersherlock | David K. Talisman
David Kawika Talisman-IT engineer/ Hawaii PI(Lic#PD940) - True Digital and Hawaii PI provide advanced IT Solutions, Cyber Investigations and Computer Forensics.
@davisinv | Davis Investigations
Experts in getting Video Surveillance evidence for Medical Malpractice / Personal Injury Claims and Cheating Spouses / Infidelity Cases. Licensed In NY & CT.
@Doveinflight1 | PI Sue Martinez
No Bio Available
@drm_inc | Diversified Risk
Diversified Risk Management, Inc. assists corporations, non-profit organizations and law firms in identifying, responding, and mitigating workplace risk.
@EaglePiServices | Eagle Investigative
Private Detective and Investigative Service helping individuals, corporations and attorneys solve any problem creatively, effectively and affordably.
@ELPSPDA | ELPS Det. Agency
A licensed Private Investigator in PA with a BS in criminal justice. Owner of ELPS Private Detective Agency.
@freesec | Freelance Security
Project marketplace for private investigators, bodyguards, security consultants, detectives and more.
@frenchPI | FC Research
US private investigator with a French accent.
@frontlineindy | Frontline Investigations
Frontline Investigations and Surveillance LLC - Indianapolis/Cincinnati.
@frlps | Front Range Legal
FRLPS is a nationwide process serving company covering a number of states including Colorado and Florida.
@gaprivateeye | GAprivateEYE
Private Investigation and Process Serving Agency. Criminal and Civil Cases. Infidelity, Child Custody, Divorce, Criminal Defense, Sex Crimes, etc. Public Speaker.
@Glad4JC | Gladys Brierley
Private investigator, process server serving Mississippi specializing in claims, locates, surveillance, divorce, custody.
@GWSecurity | Roy Cox
Purveyor of personal/professional safety/security products, surveillance cameras and addicted to mysteries.
@harjanpi | Harjan Investigation
Private Investigator covering Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 30 years working as a surveillance operative process server and security agent. Expect the Unexpected.
@HewettPI | Allen Hewett
A full service investigative network providing private detective, traffic accident reconstruction and investigator services throughout the Eastern United States.
@Hibbard | Justin Hibbard
At Propeller Industries, I manage accounting and finance for startups. At J.P. Hibbard & Co., I provide forensic accounting and investigative services.
@hsipi | HSI Investigations
I am a licensed private investigator in Seattle, Washington, specializing in criminal defense investigations, wrongful death, personal injury and civil rights.
@HThompsonDPI | Heather Thompson
Out to save the world and make it smile! Passionate about Traffic Law, Statement Analysis, Mensa, and LinkedIn. Creative thinkers and PI colleagues welcome!
@JMPInvestigator | JMP Investigations
We are a Private Investigation Agency with services offered in the state of Arizona. We provide free quotes for service. Visit our website!
CLI & CFE. Over 40 years of experience.
@kateolen | Kate Olen
Licensed PI in Central Florida looking for work opportunities, networking and friends.
@katytexaspi | Clark Dickenscheidt
Licensed Private Investigator with 20+ years in the industry investigating insurance fraud, civil litigation, criminal defense and corporate due diligence.
@KnoxvilleTN_PI | Curtis Burkett
We specialize in Criminal Defense, Legal Investigations, Child Custody, and Divorce Investigations.
@LawrenceWDaly | Lawrence W. Daly
I am a Forensic Child Sexual Abuse Educator, Author, Researcher, Investigator, Interviewer and Trainer.
@LocusCommunis | Confidential Resource
The blog about Sources and Methods for the Investigator written by investigative research guru at McEachin & Associates Ltd.
@melbournepi | Crane Investigations
Private Investigator located in Melbourne, Australia specializing in Surveillance.
@milgrp2001 | Millennium Group
The Millennium Group's professional team is uniquely qualified to provide clients with an astounding array of investigative services.
Cheating, support, civil process, divorce, find fugitive, GPS lawyer, locate missing, notary, private investigator, process server, surveillance, trace, track, surveillance.
@mpinvestigation | Jamie Richardson
Mission Possible Investigations detectives provide you with the critical information you need to make decisions in business, litigation and personal matters.
@MWishartPI | Michelle Wishart
Private Investigations cases involving Missing Persons, Unfaithful Spouses, Civil and Criminal Investigations - Insurance Fraud.
@naplespi | Carrie Kerskie
Author, ID theft expert, presenter, private investigator, inventor, and passionate about preventing health care fraud and medical identity theft.
@navigatorinc | Navigator Research
The records research provider used by all the famous Superheroes! In our spare time we serve leading attorneys, investigators, journalists and employers.
@NighthawkPI | D. Wayne Patterson
Private Investigator. Asset/Missing Persons, Background Info, Civil/Criminal Defense, Infidelity and more. Free consultation. 25 years experience.
@Number1PI | Sherlock Investigator
Skipp Porteous: Electronic eavesdropping detection specialist. Owns Sherlock Investigations, NYC. He's been on a vegan diet for over a year and meditates daily.
@NYCprivateEYE | Private Investigator
Private Investigators New York, ICORP Investigations. Insurance, Infidelity, Family Law Investigations.
@nysleuth | Bob Rahn
NY Private Investigator also licensed in NJ. Former Homicide Detective. Retired with the rank of Lieutenant. 37 years investigative experience.
@OffDutyCops | Security Specialists
Arizona Off Duty Police Officers, Investigations, and Process Servers. We are the home for off duty police officers! Hire Off Duty police officers now!
@offinvest | Official Investigati
Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana licensed private investigation and security company. Notary Public: Ohio and Kentucky.
@OhioSSG | Ohio SSG
Investigations and Protective Services Agency.
@oicgroupusa | Brian Diggs
No Bio Available
Free Lance is a full service Oregon Investigation & Process Serving company. Check us out.
@OZ_Private_Eye | Private Investigator
Canberra ACT based Private Investigation agency servicing Australia-wide.
@PaperlessPI | Paperless P.I.
Private Investigator technology, marketing, news, business practices, and a bunch of other good stuff.
@PhilipBecnel | Philip Becnel
I'm a private investigator and the author of an investigative textbook. I get excited about technologies and theories that change how people do investigations.
@philjjassociate | Phil Johnson
Worldwide Full Service Investigation. Connecting the World in many Business Spheres.
@PIbuzz | Private Investigator
Tamara Thompson - San Francisco Bay Area - blogger/speaker/investigator - Internet search, public records.
@PrivateEyeL | Private Investigator
Private Investigator on Long Island, ICORP Investigations, Inc.
@PursuitMag | Pursuit Magazine
Online magazine for Private Investigators, Bail Enforcement Agents (Bounty Hunters), Process Servers, Repossession and other Investigation / Law Professionals.
@RCInvestigation | Chris Maklary
Private Investigations, Process Service, Video Services in Northeast Alabama.
@rightpi | Right PI
CEO/Owner - Background, Criminal and Insurance Investigations. Asset, Subject Location and Securitization Audits.
@RMTNCC | Brett Lund
Private Investigator and Forensic Document Examiner specializing in Handwriting Analysis. Rocky Mountain Crime Consultants, LLC.
@Rocklegal | Rock Legal Services
Process Servers, Investigators, Couriers and E-Storage.
@RVAinvestigator | Truth Investigations
[Truth] investigations LLC is a full service investigations agency with offices in Central Virginia. We also have cool spy stories!
@Schroeder6th | Schroeder 6th
30 years as a Defense-Based Private Investigator, Private Detective. Products Liability, Medical Malpractice Defense Specialist. Nothing Can't Be Found.
@SecureServices | Jerry Adams
No Bio Available
@ShannonTulloss | Shannon Tulloss, PI
Licensed P.I., Governor of CALI, specializing in entertainment related investigations - I help my clients avoid drama - and I support them in legal melees.
@SpencerPI | SpencerPI
Private investigator serving Bay Area and Sierra Foothills. Ex-journalist now The Most Interesting Man in Walnut Creek. 80-percent work 20-percent random.
@spybusters | Kevin D. Murray
No Bio Available
@statewidepi | Sulivant & Sulivant
Sulivant & Sulivant Investigations is a full service private investigative agency, providing comprehensive and discreet services for a vast array of clients.
@ThaiSpy | Thailand PI Agency
Thailand Private Investigators - Missing Persons, Infidelity/Fraud Investigations, Detective and Private Eye - Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, International.
@theACFE | The ACFE
@theACFE is the world's largest anti-fraud organization and premier provider of anti-fraud training and education.
@thecurbsidepi | The Curbside PI
Check out The Curbside Investigator Podcast to find out about real PIs.
@ThePIFeed | PI Feed
What Private Investigators are reading right now! Discover, Share, and Upload stories and articles to the network!
@thesiu | Gray & Gray Investig
Gray & Gray Investigations is a California investigation company (CA PI 19898) Specializing in Workers' Comp, Civil, Criminal, Domestic Investigations and more!
@tomruskin | Tom Ruskin
Thomas Ruskin has been the President of the CMP Protective & Investigative Group for over a decade. Former highly decorated NYPD Detective Investigator.
@UK_PI | Seagal Investigations
Seagal Investigations Ltd. Professional International Private Investigation Agency.
@UKDetective | UK Private Eye
UK Private Investigators is a professional Detective Agency. We don't hack, crack or wax, for that matter! Follow me and I will follow back.
@usrcorporate | USR Corporate
U.S.R. Corporate is an ambitious, innovative start-up that is attempting to turn the Healthcare, Legal and Insurance Industries on their head.
@WritingPIs | Writing PIs
We're a couple of PIs. One of us is also an attorney, the other a writer.
@wyinvestigato | Wy Investigator
Sheridan, Wyoming Private Investigator.
@wyshepherd | Wendy Y. Shepherd
Wendy Yvonne Shepherd, CEO, Founder and Principal Investigator of Voices Empowered is a dynamic and reputable professional in child welfare and family issues.
Associations on Twitter
@PacNWAssocInvest | Pacific NW Association of Investigators
The Pacific Northwest Association of Investigators (PNAI) is a professional organization of licensed investigators.
@USAPI | United States Association of Professional Investigators
United States Association of Professional Investigators [A National Association].
@calipiorg | California Association of Licensed Investigators
The worlds largest association of licensed private investigators.
Made the List!
If you made the list, you may add the following badge to your company web site to show your clients your influence in the private investigation industry. And while you're at it, why not tweet this story to your faithful followers?
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Editor's Note: The original Top 75 Investigators on Twitter piece has been updated to the above alphabetized list. We've discovered a flaw in the ranking system and will be updating that process to bring you a ranked list next year. We apologize for any confusion this has caused.