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Hot Topics in Investigation: A "Surveillance Proof" App, Identity Theft on Facebook, and more.

Private investigators are constantly in the news and a very active group on social media. This week's hot topics include bills that would restrict GPS technology, a "surveillance-proof" smartphone app, the risk of identity theft on Facebook, and more. Here are just a few things investigators are talking about online:

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Bills introduced that would restrict public and private GPS technology

This would make it illegal to track anyone's movements without his or her permission.

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A new "surveillance-proof" smartphone app

The intent is to "revolutionize the ease of privacy and security."

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Facebook users risk identity theft

Con man turned security consultant, Frank Abagnale, comments on how Facebook displays the top 3 things you need to steal someone's identity...

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What software do you use to manage your clients?

Fellow investigators comment on what programs they like best to keep track of their clients.

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5.7 Internet-based devices per household in the U.S., study shows

This not only increases the importance of Internet marketing, but surveillance strategies as well.

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Investigator comments on the lack of authenticity in Irish series Jack Taylor Private Eye

Find out how his opinion changed after watching the series a second time. . .

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This Week's Top Commenters

Bruce Hamilton

Commented on LinkedIn discussions 

Michael Olsen

Commented on Facebook

Ed Hendricks

Commented on LinkedIn discussions

Up and coming conversations you won't want to miss

Here are just a few of the conversations happening right now:

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