How To Become a Private Investigator
If you are interested in becoming a private investigator, there many ways to get started. It's important to check with your state's licensing authority to find out what is required to work as an investigator in your state. A number of online courses and training as well as college-level certification programs can help you gain the necessary skills to work as a private investigator. You can also contact your state's private investigator association to find out how to become an investigator.
Some investigators will select a specialty while others will offer multiple services. The most common investigative services include civil investigations and background checks. Selecting a specialty or area of expertise is not necessary when starting out as an investigator, but you may want to read up on the various investigation types before getting started. For information outside of the U.S., read How to Become a Private Investigator in Ontario.
Investigators also offer advice for those looking to join the profession:
"Join your state association, national legislative association and national specialty association(s). In addition to universal fundamentals of public and private records research, basic backgrounds and skip tracing, and communications (i.e. report writing), find 3-5 specific specialties that are interwoven to focus on."
For more tips, view the slideshow to the right.
Who Does An Investigator Work With?
A recent survey revealed that 78% of investigators work with law firms and attorneys, 55% work with individuals, 41% work with private companies, 37% work with insurance firms, 35% work with corporations, and 11% work with other groups.
Below are the percentages of investigators who work with each group:

What Backgrounds Do Private Investigators Have?
Private investigators come from a variety of backgrounds. Some have relevant experience, some fall into the profession, and others come into the profession with little to no prior training. The most common background is previous law enforcement experience. Overall, the most common backgrounds of investigators are:

How to Become A Private Investigator in Alabama
License Required: There is no statewide licensing requirement for private investigators in Alabama. Some cities, including Birmingham and Mobile, have licensing requirements.
A State business license is required.
How to Become A Private Investigator in Alaska
License Required: No statewide requirement, required in some cities
Licensing Authority: City of Fairbanks Clerk's Office, Municipality of Anchorage
- The applicant must be a U.S. citizen and have never been convicted of a felony crime or crime of moral turpitude.
- Surety bond, a State of Alaska business license, and copies of driver's licence, driving record, and a criminal background report.
- Applicant must be 18 years or older and send in a criminal background check
Notes: Even if you do not have a city private investigator license, all businesses require State of Alaska business license
Helpful Alaska Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Arizona
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: State of Arizona Department of Safety
Regardless of a private investigation agency's structure, a license is issued to an individual referred to as the qualifying party or licensee.
An applicant as a qualifying party for an agency license must meet all conditions of ARS §32-2422 including, but not limited to:
- Be at least twenty-one years of age.
- Be a citizen or legal resident.
- Minimum full-time investigative experience of three years or an equivalant experience of work perfomed as an investigator for a private individual, the federal or state government, or for a county or municipal government.
Notes: Anyone who conducts private investigation in Arizona has to be licensed in Arizona, or they can be charged with a class 1 misdemeanor. Other employees and office staff can be hired, but they cannot conduct an investigation.
Helpful Arizona Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Arkansas
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Arkansas State Police Regulatory Services Section
- Two consecutive years minimum of investigation experience.
- The company or agency where the investigations were assigned and ordered must be documented in writing.
- Applicants must also submit to and pass the state board exam.
Note: Arkansas offers reciprocity of private investigator licenses with the following states: Tennessee, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. The license must be current and effective for at least two consecutive years in order to qualify for reciprocity.
How to Become A Private Investigator in California
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: California Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Security and Investigative Services
- Applicant must be 18 years or older.
- The applicant must submit to a criminal history background check through the California Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
- Three years minimum experience in investigative work (a year’s experience shall consist of not less the 2,000 hour of actual compensated work performed by each applicant preceding the filling of an application) or an AA degree in police science, criminal law, or justice will give the applicant credit for 1,000 hours or 6 months of experience towards the required three years. A BA degree in police science, criminal law or criminal justice will give the applicant credit for 2,000 hour or 1 year of experience towards the required three years.
- Qualifying experience must be certified by an employer while employed as a sworn law enforcement officer, military police officer, insurance adjuster, employee of a licensed PI or repossessor, employed by public defender to conduct investigations, or arson investigator for a public fire suppression agency.
- Submit to and pass a two-hour multiple choice examination that covers laws, regulations, terminology, civil and criminal liability, handling of evidence, undercover investigations, business knowledge regarding employees, and California Penal Code.
Note: To apply for a Private Investigator license you must: submit your completed application, pay a $50 application fee, have two recent passport photographs, and a Private Investigator Live Scan form signed by the Live Scan Operator. If applicant is from our of the State they can use fingerprint cards (FD-258). When filing an application for a corporation a copy of your Articles of Incorporation must be included. Other processing fees for fingerprint processing must be paid for each applicant ($32 for the Department of Justice and $17 for the FBI). Application packages must be sent to the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services, P.O. Box 989002, West Sacramento, CA 95798-9002.
Helpful California Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Colorado
As of September 1, 2020, there is no statewide licensing requirement for private investigators in Colorado.
Helpful Colorado Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Connecticut
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection
- Applicants must be at least 25 years of age.
- Have good moral character.
- Minimum of 5 years full-time experience as one of the following:
- Licensed Private Investigator
- Proprietary Detective Agency
- Investigator with a federal, state, or local government
- Or, in lieu of 5 years experience, 10 years experience as a police officer with a federal, state, or other organized municipal police department.
- $10,000 performance surety bond.
- $300,000 General Liability Insurance Policy.
According to Connecticut Public Act # 04-192, any person or firm that wishes to conduct business as a Private Detective Service must first obtain a professional license from the Commissioner of Public Safety. The statute details guidelines for obtaining the license, eligibility criteria, and applicable license fees. Private Detective services are required to register all employees working as investigators under their license.
Helpful Connecticut Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Delaware
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: The Delaware State Bureau of Identification (SBI)
- Must be hired by a licensed agency before appearing at DSP for processing.
- Must be at least 21 years of age.
- Must not have been convicted of any felony and/or misdemeanor involving the act of theft, drug offenses, or moral turpitude. Must not have been convicted of Assault III or Offensive Touching within the last three years.
- Must meet and maintain the qualifications set and approved by the Board of Examiners.
- Must have completed the mandatory sixteen hours of security guard training.
Note: The process for licensure for Security Guards & Private Investigators: Must complete the correct employee application that can be obtained below. Must pay a non-refundable processing fee of $69.00, via cash, certified check, Visa, Master Card, Discover, or company check. Upon approval, there will be an additional $20.00 fee for the required ID card. No personal checks accepted.
Helpful Delaware Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Florida
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Licensing
An applicant for the Class "C" Private Investigator License must have TWO YEARS OF LAWFULLY GAINED, VERIFIABLE, FULL-TIME EXPERIENCE in order to qualify for the license. This experience can be acquired through a combination of actual investigative experience, college course work in a related field, or internship in accordance with the following three categories set forth in the statute:
- Private investigative work or related fields of work that provided equivalent experience or training.
- College course work related to criminal justice, criminology, or law enforcement administration, or successful completion of any law enforcement-related training received from any federal, state, county, or municipal agency, except that no more than 1 year may be used from this category.
- Work as a Class “CC” licensed intern. This internship must be done at a licensed private investigative agency
- The applicant for the Class “C” license must also pass an examination. This examination will cover those parts of Florida law that deal directly with the business practices of the private investigative industry and the legal responsibilities of the individuals and agencies that work in that industry (sections 493.6100 through 493.6203, and section 493.6301(5), Florida Statutes). A copy of Chapter 493 and the Private Investigator Handbook are included with this application package to assist applicants in preparing for the exam.
Helpful Florida Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Georgia
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Georgia Board of Private Detective and Security Agencies
- Applicant must have two years experience as a licensed private detective with a licensed detective agency or at least two years experience in law enforcement with a federal, state, county, or municipal police department, or has a four-year degree in criminal justice or related field from an accredited university.
- Must have at least two years full-time experience as a supervisor or administrator in in-house security operations or with a licensed security agency, or at least two years experience in law enforcement with federal, state, county, or municipal police department, or a four-year degree in criminal justice or related field from an accredited university
Note: Private detective businesses and private security companies are required to have a company license issued by the Board. The private detective employee must be registered as an employee with the private detective company.
Helpful Georgia Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Hawaii
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: State of Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
- Applicant must have a principal detective or guard responsible for the direct management and control of the detective or guard agency and the agency’s employees when services are being provided.
- Must provide employment records of each officer, director, partner, manager, or member covering the last 10 years of operation.
- Must provide criminal abstracts for each officer, director, partner, manager, or member from all localities in which they have resided in the last 10 years of operation.
- Each officer, director, partner, manager, or member shall submit to a national criminal history record check through the FBI and shall be fingerprinted through Fieldprint.
Helpful Hawaii Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Idaho
License Required: No, the state of Idaho does not have a statewide license requirement for private investigators.
How to Become A Private Investigator in Indiana
License Required: Yes (Only Private Investigator Firms, the State of Indiana does not license individuals)
Licensing Authority: Indiana Professional Licensing Agency
- Applicants must have a limited criminal history background check completed for every state, city, and county the investigator has resided in over the past seven years; third party background checks will not be accepted. They must also obtain a fingerprint based Indiana State Police background check through L-1 Identity Solutions (
- License application instructions and fees can be found here.
- Applicant must complete the online Digital Certification ( 3118.htm) to verify his or her license in another state. Verification requests received in office will be returned to sender.
Note: You can contact The Indiana Professional Licensing Agency at [email protected] and the Indiana Society of Professional Investigators at [email protected].
Helpful Indiana Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Iowa
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Iowa Department of Public Safety (IDPS)
Investigator must fill out a PD1 form and send it in to the IDPS along with fingerprint cards, color photos, fees, surety bonds, liability insurance, photo descriptions of all uniforms, hats, and badges,; and a bail enforcement, private investigative or private security agency corporate information form.
- You can find the Private Investigative, Private Security, and Bail Enforcement Agency Licensing checklist here.
Note: You can contact IDPS at [email protected].
Helpful Iowa Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Kansas
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI)
- Applicant must be 21 years of age, a US citizen, and have good moral character.
- Have a high-school degree or GED certificate.
- Have no felony convictions or misdemeanors convictions within the past 10 years.
- Have no impairments due to mental condition, deficiency or disease.
- Have no addictions to alcohol or controlled substance.
- Must have a $100,000 corporate surety bond, or general liability insurance providing $100,000 of coverage for bodily injury or property damage caused by negligence, errors or omissions; or deposit $100,000 with the State Treasurer.
- Must pass the open book examination covering the Private Detective Licensing Act.
- Must pass a background check.
Helpful Kansas Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Kentucky
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Public Protection Cabinet
- Applicant must submit two color passport photos, two finger print cards, application fees, and a pass a full background check.
- Once the initial requirements have been fulfilled, applicants must pass an examination to finalize their licensure.
- You can find a detailed list of the application requirements here.
Helpful Kentucky Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Louisiana
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Louisiana State Board of Private Investigator Examiners
- Applicant must be 18 years of age and a US citizen.
- Have no felony convictions or misdemeanors convictions within the past 10 years.
- Have no impairments due to mental condition, deficiency or disease.
- Have no addictions to alcohol or controlled substance.
- Complete a board approved 40-hour course and pass with at least 75%.
Helpful Louisiana Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Maine
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Maine State Police
- Applicant must complete a Professional Investigator Application, Form P-3E, and Authorization to Release Form.
- Apply for a Surety Bond.
- You can find a full list of forms and instructions here.
Helpful Maine Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Maryland
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Maryland State Police
- Applicant must have at least five years experience as a full-time certified or licensed private detective.
- Five years experience as a full-time police officer with an organized police agency.
- Successfully complete a police officer training course that is recognized and approved by the Maryland Police Training Commission.
- Three years experience in an investigative capacity as a detective while serving as a police officer with an organized police agency.
- Five years experience as a full-time fire investigator for a fire department or law enforcement agency of the State or of a county municipal corporation of the State.
- Successfully complete the training certified by the Maryland Police Training Commission or the Maryland Fire-Rescue Education and Training Commission.
Helpful Maryland Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Massachusetts
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Massachusets Department of Public Safety
- Applicant must complete the application to start a private detective business.
- The application requires three reputable citizens of the community, who the applicant has known for at least three years, to state that all information in the application is true.
- The applicant must be of good moral character.
- Been regularly employed for at least three years as a detective doing investigative work, a former member of an investigative service of the U.S., a former police officer, of a rank or grade higher than that of a patrolman.
- Have no convictions of a felony.
- You can find a detailed list of requirements here.
Helpful Massachusetts Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Michigan
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA)
- Applicant must be 25 years old and a U.S. Citizen.
- Have a high-school degree or a GED.
- Have no convictions of a felony or misdemeanor.
- You can find a detailed list of requirements here.
Helpful Michigan Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Minnesota
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: State of Minnesota Board of Private Detective and Protective Agent Services
- Applicant must have 6,000 hours of experience in one or more of the following categories:
- Employed as a private investigator with a licensed private detective/investigative agency
- Employed as a private investigator with a U.S. government investigative service
- Employed as a private investigator with a city police department or sheriff's office
- Employed in an investigative occupation the board finds equivalent in scope, responsibility, and training as one of the specific occupations listed above
- Must be 18 years of age.
- Must have no convictions of a felony.
- Must have a $10,000 surety bond.
- Must complete required application forms and supporting documents.
- Must be of good character.
- You can find a detailed list of requirements here.
Helpful Minnesota Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Mississippi
License Required: No
- There is no statewide license requirement to be a private investigator in Mississippi.
- Check the requirements of your local jurisdiction.
- You can find the Mississippi Professional Investigators Association here.
How to Become A Private Investigator in Missouri
License Required: Yes
How to Become A Private Investigator in Montana
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Montana Board of Private Security
- Applicant must have at least three years experience.
- Must have a high-school degree or a GED.
- Must fill out the application and pass the exam.
- You can find a detailed list of requirements here.
How to Become A Private Investigator in Nebraska
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Nebraska Secretary of State
- Applicant must have at least 3,000 hours of experience.
- Must request an application from the Licensing division.
- Submit the license fee, two finger print cards, two passport-size photos, a signed authorization of release of information, and pass the written examination.
- Must have a $10,000 surety bond.
Helpful Nebraska Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Nevada
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Nevada Private Investigator Licensing Board
- Applicant must be 21 years old.
- Must have five years (2,000 hours each year, 10,000 hours total) of investigative experience.
- Must have an associate's degree in police science or criminal justice.
- Be a U.S. citizen or lawfully entitled to work in the U.S.
- Have no convictions of a felony.
- Undergo a criminal background check through the FBI, the Nevada Department of Public Safety, and the California Department of Justice if he or she has ever lived in or visited California.
- Must pass a 2-hour written exam.
- You can find a detailed list of requirements here under the investigator tab.
Helpful Nevada Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in New Hampshire
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: New Hampshire Department of Safety
- Applicant must contact New Hampshire Department of Safety for licensing information.
- Applicant must pass a background check.
- Contact information can be found here.
Helpful New Hampshire Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in New Jersey
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: New Jersey State Police
- Applicant must fill out specific forms.
- Have a minimum of 5 years investigative experience.
- Provide character references.
- Complete a background check.
- Submit fingerprints.
Helpful New Jersey Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in North Carolina
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: North Carolina Department of Justice
- Applicant must be at least 18 years old.
- Be a U.S. citizen or resident alien.
- Be of good moral character with no criminal record.
- Fulfill all requirements of the Licensing Information Letter.
Note: North Carolina reciprocates on private investigator licenses with the following states: California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia.
Helpful North Carolina Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in North Dakota
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: North Dakota Private Investigation and Security Board
- Applicant must be at least 18 years old.
- Have a high-school degree or the equivalent.
- Have no convictions of a felony.
- Be free of mental condition or defect.
- Be of good moral character.
- Pass an examination conducted by or under the supervision of the North Dakota Private Investigation and Security Board within the twelve moths preceding the date of the individual's application for the license
- Have conducted two thousand (2,000) hours of private investigative services as a registered employee of a detective agency.
- You can find a detailed list of fees and forms here
How to Become A Private Investigator in Ohio
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Ohio Department of Public Safety
- Applicant must have 4,000 hours experience over two calendar years.
- Must be of good moral character.
- Must have no convictions of felony or misdemeanor.
- You can find a detailed list of requirements here.
Helpful Ohio Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Oklahoma
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Oklahoma Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training
- Applicant must submit application.
- Must have no conviction of a felony.
- Must have legible CLEET fingerprint cards.
- Must submit two passport-size photos.
- You can find a detailed list of requirements here.
Helpful Oklahoma Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Oregon
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training
- Applicant must pass a background check.
- Must pass examination.
- Must be at least 18 years old and a U.S. citizen.
- Must have 1,500 hours of verifiable experience in investigative work and up to 500 hours of education substitution.
- You can find a detailed list of fees, forms, and requirements here.
Helpful Oregon Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Pennsylvania
License Required: Yes
- Licensing is done at the county level. The applicable law is the Pennsylvania Private Detective Act of 1953.
- The law requires 3 years investigative experience.
- You must petition the Court of Common Pleas in the county you reside or have your business to become licensed.
- You can find the Pennsylvania Association of Licensed Investigators here.
How to Become A Private Investigator in Rhode Island
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: State of Rhode Island General Assembly
- Applicant must be a U.S. citizen.
- Have no convictions of a felony.
- Have no previous private investigator license revoked.
- Not be impaired by any mental defect or have been declared incompetent by the court.
- Not suffer from addiction of alcohol or narcotics.
- Be of good moral character.
- Have experience in at least one of the following:
- Five years as an investigator or as a police officer with the state
- A degree in criminal justice from an accredited college or university
- Employment by a private detective agency for at least five years
- Substantively equivalent training or experience.
- You can find a detailed list of requirements here.
Helpful Rhode Island Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in South Carolina
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED)
- Applicant must have at least three years experience.
- Must be a U.S. citizen.
- Must be at least 18 years old.
- Must have no convictions of felonies, or pending charges.
- Forms and requirements can be found here.
Helpful South Carolina Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in South Dakota
License Required: No
How to Become A Private Investigator in Tennessee
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Tennessee Government
- Applicant must be at least 21 years old.
- Be a U.S. citizen or resident alien.
- Be free of any mental defect or disease.
- Must be affiliated with a licensed Tennessee Private Investigator company or license own company.
- Not suffer from addiction to alcohol or narcotics.
- Be of good moral character.
- Pass the exam.
- Submit fingerprint cards.
- You can find a detailed list of requirements here.
Helpful Tennessee Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Texas
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Texas Department of Public Safety
In order to start an agency, a person needs a minimum of three years of experience, pass a written exam, and show proof of liability insurance. If a person does not meet these qualifications, they must be hired and trained by a licensed agency.
To own, manage, or be employed by a licensed company, a person must meet the following requirements:
- Applicant must be at least 18 years old.
- Have no convictions of a felony.
- Have no mental defect or disease.
- Not be a registered sex offender in Texas or any other state.
Helpful Texas Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Utah
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Utah Department of Public Safety
- Applicant must be at least 21 years old.
- Must be a legal resident of Utah.
- Must be of good moral character.
- Must fill out the application.
- You can find a detailed list of requirements here.
Helpful Utah Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Vermont
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Vermont Secretary of State
- Applicant must have at least 4,000 hours experience over a three year period.
- Must submit two fingerprint cards.
- Must pass the examination.
- Full requirements and details can be found here, under Applications.
Helpful Vermont Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Virginia
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
- Applicant must be at least 18 years old.
- Must be a U.S. citizen or legal resident alien.
- Must successfully complete all initial training requirements.
- You can find a detailed list of requirements here.
Helpful Virginia Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Washington
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: Washington State Department of Licensing
- Applicant must be at least 18 years old.
- Must be U.S. citizen or resident alien.
- Must have no criminal convictions.
- Must have a physical business location in Washington.
- Must have a valid license with the Business Licensing Service.
- You can find a detailed list of requirements here.
Helpful Washington Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in West Virginia
License Required: Yes
Licensing Authority: West Virginia Secretary of State
- Applicant must be at least 18 years old.
- Must be a citizen of the U.S. or a legal resident alien.
- Must be of good moral character.
- Have not had a previous private investigator or security guard license revoked or denied.
- Have not been declared incompetent by the court due to mental defect or illness.
- Have no addiction to alcohol or narcotics.
- Have no felony convictions.
- You can find a detailed list of requirements here.
Helpful West Virginia Private Investigator Links:
How to Become A Private Investigator in Wyoming
License Required: Depends on local jurisdiction
- There is no statewide license requirements for the state of Wyoming.
- It is regulated by local jurisdictions.
Average Salary
Private investigators can expect to earn an average salary of:

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary of a private investigator is $42,870. The states with the top-paying salaries for investigators are Washington with an average wage of $65,460, Virginia with $61,930, and Texas at $61,810.
Requirements to Become a Private Investigator by State
Requirements to become an investigator vary by state. Some states have a variety of eligibility requirements that you must meet to serve as a private eye while other states do not require any specialty licensure. Click on a state below to see the applicable requirements, licensing agencies, and helpful links to become a private investigator in that state.
A certificate in professional private investigation through an educational course or program can help a prospective investigator gain proficiency in the necessary skills. Read our rankings of the top 25 private investigator education programs.

A training course can prepare an aspiring investigator for with what to expect in the field and educate the experienced investigator on the latest technology and laws. Check out the top private investigator training programs.